Why this matters to us:

No person should need to step away from employment to express their gifts to the fullest. No leader should struggle to build and nurture a great place to work. Our CEO left the corporate world after 17 years to make a bigger impact in the world, and to lead better. She never let go of her belief that living fully and authentically should be possible for any role.What she set out to do was to catalyze momentum for leaders and their teams, so that businesses, for all roles, can be more vibrant.

Who we are:

We are a group of people who have an unstoppable passion to build and express our talents in ways that positively influence many people. Our core team:

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Lori Michele Leavitt
CEO Linkdin
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Emily Evans
Customer Experience & UX
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Tahir Ali
IT Development
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Rohit Verma
Graphic Design & UI

We are a diverse, multidisciplinary team working from remote locations around the world and drawing from disciplines of business leadership, management, finance, technology, design, gaming, and beyond. We tap respected subject matter and industry experts to guide creation every step of the way, and listen to our customers to ensure we support them well into the future.

We live our core values:
Trust – We have confidence in each other, and we earn the confidence of others.
Respect – We communicate and act with consideration of others. We share our appreciation, authentically and freely.

We share three characteristics:
Courage – We share our challenges. We learn, openly.
Curiosity – We seek to understand before we offer opinions or solutions.
Tenacity – We have what it takes to get through even the ridiculously tough stuff.

What we do:

Bringing all our different backgrounds and talents to the table, we developed software technology into a leadership operating system™ that supports alignment and momentum. A system that aligns with the needs of work in the future – for a better future.We developed Aligned Momentum (A.M.)®.


People throughout a business, including the C-Suite, expand their positive impact in leadership and life when they align who they are with what is most needed from them in their roles, and align each role with the strategic objectives and direction of the organization.


When a business is vibrant, there is flow; no longer one urgent project after the next. Each person is clear and committed to what’s possible, with no pushing needed. No stops. Shifts and pivots, without stalls. Change is just a natural part of working there, and every person is heard.

“Only when both alignment and momentum exist is breakthrough performance possible.”

~Lori Michele Leavitt, fromThe Pivot: Orchestrating Extraordinary Business Momentum